Lab 11 - Leaves II
These images were made from students' sections of gymnosperm
leaves. First we looked at leaves of Cycas revoluta, a cycad.
Cycads dominated the Earth to some extent back during the Jurassic
Here is a section through the leaflet, showing photosynthetic tissues
and vascular bundles.

The next four images show closer views of the vascular tissue,
mesophyll, and epidermis of the Cycas

Next, we looked at needles from the pine (Pinus halepensis) These first
image shows the entire cross-section.

Here's a closer view of the vascular bundle, where you should be able
to indentify the xylem and phloem.

This next image shows the needle's mesophyll tissue.

Here's a nice view of the sunken stomata.

Lastly, we have a view of a resin duct in the pine needle.