
Pinus monophylla leaf cross-section.

Pinus strobus leaf cross-section.

Pinus monophylla leaf

Pinus strobus leaf

Pinus strobus leaf

Pinus strobus leaf

Cycas leaf cross-section

Cycas leaf cross-section

Corn leaf cross-section showing bundle sheaths associated with the kranz anatomy typical of C4 plants

Corn leaf bundle sheath showing Kranz anatomy

Corn leaf with the large bullifrom cells in the epidermis

Corn leaf showing a cross link between two vascular bundles

Privet leaf cross-section

Cross-section of hydrophytic leaf from Castalia.

Wide view of a hydrophytic leaf from Castalia

Palisade tissue layers in a Castalia leaf on the upper surface of this floating leaf

Mid-rib of a Castalia leaf - lots of phloem!

A typical vein in a Castalia leaf - note preponderance of phloem

A sclerid in a Castalia leaf

Castalia leaf stomata and substomatal chambers

Cross-section of xerophytic leaf from Larrea

Closer view of a leaf from Larrea with stomata on both faces

Hand section of a Yucca brevifolia leaf showing unifacial nature (see insets at bottom showing vascular bundle orientations

Vascular bundles of a Yucca leaf

Leaf from Ficus elastica

Leaf from Ficus

Leaflet of Medicago

Leaf from Nerium

Close view of a leaf from Nerium

Leaf of Oleander

Leaf of Oleander close view

Leaf from Syringa vulgaris

Leaf from Syringa vulgaris close view

Leaf of Potamogeton

Leaf from Potamogeton close view

Leaf from Pyrus

Leaf of Pyrus close view

Typical monocot epidermis and stomata

Typical dicot epidermis and stomata

Stomata in leaves of Ficus

Guard cell pair from Populus trichocarpa leaf epidermis